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Master Plant List 2024
CATALOG 2024 Modified March 8.pdf
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The genus phlox includes many species native to parts of the United States including California, from diminutive alpine rock garden subjects to tall cutflower varieties. Some thrive on poor soils with very little water and need good drainage, while others require regular water and tolerate heavier soils. A little investigation as to where they are endemic is time well spent for success with these (and most) plant species. They are generally long-lived and require little attention.
Asters come in a wide variety of colors and bloom seasons, from nearly year-round for the aster frikartii to summer and fall for the novi-belgi types, with many other species peaking bloom during the summer, like Aster dumosus `Sapphire' and tongolensis `Wartburg Star'. They mingle well with grasses to give the impression of a prairie or meadow in a small area. They are easy to grow and tolerant of many soil types.
Heleniums are just one of the many members of the compositae family of plants which most everyone is familiar with, the "daisy family". They are great long season bloomers, and are good pollenizers and attract many beneficial insects to the garden. Easy to care for, many are also drought resistant. Plant different genera for a long succession of bloom, such as asters, shasta daisies (leucanthemum). gaillardia, erigeron, boltonia, rudbeckia, heliopsis, etc. The list goes on.